Sunday, December 03, 2006

I've been gone for awhile, sorry for the silence. I needed to take some time to reconfigure a few connections with other worlds, other places. In addition, I've spent a good deal of time trying to chisel out exactly what I would like to contribute with not only this blog but what I would like to do "in-world" or what others might call "the grid."

Between any obligations as a father, a fey ambassador, a ship captain, AND constant problems with portal access, I've spent what time I could mannering out a few things. What that means for you is that this journal should be more consistantly updated. I think I've hit upon a plan that will enable me to blend a few things together.

What do I mean?

We're gonna go exploring.

For the blog, I will chronicle my adventures and random wanderings here. Since I do love photography and image capturing, especially when the world I'm in has the technology available, I'll be documenting things in the form of images. The best of which I'll up for sale as limited prints in my shop.

My focus of first explorations will be those places that are the best for such things; forests, ruins, old castles, and places of magic. I'll introduce you to a few friends and, with luck, meet several new ones along the way. After that, I'm opening it up and I have no idea where my wanderins will take me and no clue what or who I might stumble upon. Matter of fact, I'm giving myself pretty free reign to follow the explorer spirit on this little venture. I've noticed that when you are open to random happenings, the coolest things can happen. I also know that my eyes are set toward a far off land called Caledon which I have fallen in love with recently. I'm hoping for, at least, two entries a week and more if I can get them done. We'll have some fun, an adventure or two, and we will see where the grid winds take us!

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