Like A Mouse
It is with an odd sort of amusement that I look around me and wonder if I have fallen into a trap. Or, in this particular circumstance, lifted into a trap would be a better phrase.I was again having trouble sleeping. By the light of the full moon, I had decided to move a little further northward since the land appeared open and uncluttered. My way was completely unhindered and the light of the moon gave more then enough illumination in my travel. Wandering through the county of Wollaston I was shocked to see vast areas of undeveloped land. Dotted throughout these tracts were tall slender signs that rose from the ground like lonely trees. These signs appear to mark tracts of land that are up for sale to the general populace. The tall vertical structures are nearly always spinning and in some areas can dominate the landscape with their presence. At times, when coming across a field of them, I am reminded of windmills or water pumps but they harvest nothing except the occasional sale.
While walking among them I came across an odd platform. Being very similiar to the one used at Mr. Pontchartrain's station, I recognized it immediately as a transporter. Finding it near so many of the towering sale signs, I was even more curious and activated it.
And so, the trap, if it is indeed one, was sprung. However, I had not realized it.I arrived near a lit and swirling dance floor. I was immediately approached by a floating clockwork automation in the form of an odd looking white cat wearing a rocket pack. It scanned me briefly and then went back to its station. Looking about, I noticed that the walls surrounding the dance floor were covered in colorful, sensual images of females of which all of them had feline features. Below them were small tables and floor pillows placed for what appeared social gathering and discussion. Yet, like many places I have visited, there was no one there.
I at first assumed I had stumbled onto a meeting place. Obviously focused toward a humanoid and feline race it still showed several aspects of other social meeting places I had seen on the Mainland, a dance floor (or what you might call a "viewing area" from the way I'd seen it used so far), a socializing area, a few small areas for other distractions such as the gearbox game stalls, and an area to purchase items. By walking through the small doorway which led from the room of my arrival, I came across a small plaza area which served as the area for shopping. Its many stalls seemed filled and in good operation. Many of the items were far too risque to show images of here! Again, whatever the race was, it seemed more then willing to adopt the Mainlander's attitude towards open sexuality. Though not of the caliber of that seen in my brief and tragic adventure within "Be Naughty", it was still apparent that those who came here prescribed to a certain sensual quality within their nature.By walking through the doorway I discovered the portal was located between the legs of a massive effigy of a white cat. Perhaps the "walking through the legs" of the stature to get to the social and lounging area beyond held a certain level of importance to them. With its placement, certainly symbolic, I wondered if it gave a clue to what manner of things happened in the room I had arrived within. From a sign above the cat, which featured another young female catwoman in a coquettish pose, the place I am located is called The Nekomimi. I gathered this from the large sign which appeared over a larger statue effigy of a waving white cat.
What "nekomimi" might mean or the symbolism behind the albino cat is beyond me at this point. However, from strolling about the plaza area I was able to deduce that the race that frequents this place is cakked "Neko." I searched for more information but found none. Hoping to come across one of these creatures, I continued my searching.Shortly after that point, I started to get an uneasy feeling. As much as I looked around, I could not find a transporter to make my way back to the ground! Checking my equipment I found the place was close to 600 feet from the ground, far beyond the use of my flying crystal. Sending my visualizer out on remote mode I was able to get a decent picture of the floating platform where I suddenly had found myself trapped. One question burned in my mind at that point, had this been on purpose on the part of the Nekos? Had I fallen prey to the teleporter device much like a bug would fall prey to an ant lion?
Upon my arrival, had I tripped some sort of alarm and soon to be the focus of several female Nekos bearing down on me with the intent to make the main sacrifice to some unholy ritual? How many other Mainlanders had stumbled into a similiar trap before me?
I looked around for bones.
Luckily, I saw none.
Of course, given the fact that what I had seen was mostly aimed to a female population, I also began to wonder if the Neko race was amazonian in nature. From the pictures I had seen so far they were perhaps not as warrior-like as the amazons but they had obviously solved the question of how to entertain themselves with no men around. Was this perhaps a trap to gather male slaves?Wasting no further time, I contacted others on my Expedition communication crystal and simply asked if anyone had heard of a race called the Neko. Thankfully, many had and were happy to transmit to me some information they had garnered in their own experiences. I was relieved to find that the Neko actually appear to be related to the Fey and that I was correct on their sensual natures. From the information given to me, I have to assume that they are also not waiting to sacrifice me. However, I have not lasted as long as I have in this profession by being lax. I did such a thing in Be Naughty and it nearly cost me my soul.
Looking to the fact that I still appeared to be trapped in a Club designated solely for female Nekos, I do not like the fact I am trapped here. Perhaps it is nothing. Perhaps I have discovered nothing more then a small getaway for female Nekos to come and enjoy each other's company. However, what if that is not the case? What if the presence of a male, let alone a non-Neko, is punishable by death? I do not like the fact that there is no way off this platform.
I am quite sure that if a conflict arose I could deal with one to three female Nekos with my trusty wand. However, if a group were to press onto me, they might wear me out with exhaustion.
It has been several hours now and I have yet to see soul here or find a way back down.
However, by a kind roll of Fate's dice, it would appear help is on the way...
Nekomimi means "cat eared" in Japanese. :)
Oh... you can never be too sure about us Nekos... we've invaded the fair archipelago of Caledon as well ...
Well, that has eased my fears a bit. I just wished I could have found someone to speak more on the subject. Perhaps I might interview you at some point? *grin*
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