Friday, February 08, 2008

A Little Bit of Balance

When I first read the headline I thought to myself, "Oh no, not again." Although I understand the reality of internet addiction, I believe it's far too easy to make a black and white decision regarding virtual worlds and the "damage" they can do to people. The majority of the population do not understand the situation and when you do not strive to understand, fear is not far behind. What was that Yoda quote again?

Virtual Lives Wasted?

I was surprised to see the author taking a much more sane and supportive stance.


Anonymous said...

I think Internet addiction ties into other addictions already present. You should see the compulsive posting on message boards about prostitution. There are tons of sex addicts out there who call it their "hobby" and believe the message board is a sacred "community" for them:

Anonymous said...

Well one addiction is pretty mch like any other. You will always find the 'I can handle that'-factor in it and the neglecting of the outer realities.

I have been seriously games addicted when I was a youth (and I am glad that at that time you could not spend any money on any internet while using a C64:) and I have a neighbour who just blew his marriage over WoW.

While having this in mind, I can tell that all of this is really a matter of changing paradigms. We need to face the fact that the Metaverse's facettes are really planes of existence in which people express their personality.

This basicly means they also have to face the dangers if a part of their personality outrules any other ..just like in RL. Which brings us down to the way we should handle these worlds: with prior education instead of what most of the media is doing: blowing on the doomsday-horn constantly with different variations of the virtuals worlds tune:)

Unknown said...

Hi! I’ve been on the page of the magazine which describes Second. It’s called SL’Ang Life. I read the article: ‘To be or…to game? That is the question!. Highly recommended.