Into the Unknown
Immediately let me apologize as I did not send the small map I have of the Caledonian Expedition's landing site in the last update. You'll see that we landed on a large point of land and raised the Caledonian flag nearly in the center of the upraised earth. Unfortunately, the landing spot appears to be blocked off to us with the use of powerful, perhaps mystical, wall. I'm not sure who is behind the act and I can only hope that other members are not trapped within the confines of some sort of invisible cage. Perhaps we will be able to bring the walls down and petition for the founding of a statue commemorating the event? Until then, I can only hope that we have not gotten on the foul end of a sorceror or worse, a lawyer.After only a brief check-in with the Albatross, Miss Ofeq and I headed east northeasterly from the landing point illustrated above. We followed the shoreline in hopes of eventually coming across some form of settlement or contact with the natives. As we passed through the forest, Miss Ofeq and I chatted quietly to pass the time. I discovered that although very confident in her personality, Miss Ofeq has never done anything like this before in her life. I do not feel that this is a cause for any alarm on my point but the shocks and unexpected life of one travelling upon an unknown land can have a subtle wearing effect. It will perhaps me mindful of me to affix a more cautious eye towards her as the venture continues. And continue we did in our present course over several ridgelines, clearings, and steep shorelines. The going was not dangerous but it was no easy stroll within the park either. For the most part, ground clutter did not slow us and when near the sea, the earth stayed firm beneath our feet.
Our first discovery was not at all what I expected. Perhaps a small family dwelling, a single native travelliing along on his day, or, perhaps a gathering. No. Our first event was something far more subdued and unnerving then any of that mentioned above. Upon spying what appeared to be a small cabin structure built along the shore, we slowed our progress and made ourselves ready for a first contact situation.
It was not the dwelling that disturbed me for it turned out to be nothing more then a simple screened in cabin, like one might find even in the possession of one of our own Expedition. No, what caused me to stop dead in my tracks was a field of not only floating flowers but of floating trees! Obviously alive and well but floating a few feet above the surface of the very ground that would nourish them, they dotted the landscape around the small building. Perhaps grown as an odd biological experiment or an unknown species of flora cared for by the inhabitant of the currently empty netted cabin. Miss Ofeq suggested that perhaps the trees themseves were the natives of the area and were simply waiting to be approached? I attempted, very briefly mind you, to communicate with one but received no indication the theory was correct. As Miss Ofeq drew closer to the cabin, pulling her pencils and sketchbook out of her coat, I too drew closer to have a more detailed look at the dwelling. It sat on a steep incline of the shore supported by poles which were anchored into the earth below the foaming waters of the shoreline. The netting covered the walls and the roofs and also allowed us to see that inside were no indications of even scientific or biological work. If nothing else, it appeared to be a simple fishing cabin one might find upon a remote shoreline of Caledon. I had to admit, given what I had heard of the Mainland, I was a bit disappointed.
No sooner had I formed those thoughts when I heardwhat sounded to be a booming shout further to the north. I could not make out the words but there was a great excitement to the tone. Eventually, Miss Ofeq heard it as well. Looking north-eastward, we were able to see what appeared to be a large castle-like structure positioned at the top of a mesa like rise along the shoreline and facing oceanward. It was in stark contrast to the netted cabin we had just been perusing. This structure, from my vantage point far below it, was more what I had been expecing! Had we stumbled onto a local leader's holding? Perhaps a remote garrison or outpost for watching sea traffic? It was quickly decided between the two of us that it would be our next waypoint and, if we were lucky, be able to gather some answers to the question of the floating trees. Before leaving the trees behind, I took some small cuttings in order to have them sent back to Caledon for further research.
The way to the structure was a steep uphill climb that posed us a slight difficulty. Miss Ofeq mentioned the use of rope and climbing tackle. Instead, I informed her that I always carry with me a set of crystals give to me by the Fey which allow their holders to float and even fly for short periods at low altitudes. Though she seemed delighted at the idea, she suggested we might save them for when we might truly need them. Though she might had never been on an expedition, it was clear she had the correct and clear thought process for it. We laboured up the steep slope and coming to its top we both faced the harsh realization that this expedition was going to be full of continual shocking surprises.Before us stood a massive structure adorned with such a manner of garish paint as to boggle the eye and the imagination. I had heard of some individuals describe colors like this in a dream state or after the intake of certain questionable tonics or powders. I myself could only reference my time with the Fey as some kind of comparison, or anchor, to the colors and patterns we were seeing. And from the structure, the yelling could be heard far more clearly. The speech was strange but it seemed to indicate some manner of reward for service. Because of the ascent we arrived at the back corner of the building. Coming up next to the massive structure immediately caused me to be on guard. I reminded myself and Miss Ofeq that we had no idea what we might shortly be dealing with. Pointing out the windows, I mentioned that they could very well have been built to scale for the occupant. This would most certainly explain the loud booming voice which was continually echoing from the walls. I adjusted both the Webley .45 and the stun baton as I advanced to the front of the structure. I noticed Miss Ofeq doing the same with her baton as she followed behind me.
Cautiously, we turned the corner of what I already had decided must be some sort of fantastic temple dedicated to a powerful native entity...
Cursed cliffhangers!
A ripping yarn! I look forward to more such thrilling installments of this travel-logue!
and cheers for the stunning Dageurrotypes!
Mr. Neurocam,
It's my pleasure that our adventures have entertained, even if for a pace. Many thanks for the warm compliments and I hope you enjoy our travels!
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